
We offer two distinct chocolate-based beverages: one is the rich and dense 'Cacao Concentrate,' and the other is the light and mild 'Cacao Infusion.'
The 'Cacao Concentrate' is a robust and concentrated chocolate drink created by mixing a small amount of chocolate with hot water.
It allows you to savor the deep cocoa flavor, much like a rich hot chocolate, making it ideal for those who enjoy bold and intense cocoa experiences.
In contrast, the 'Cacao Infusion' is a lighter and gentler chocolate drink. It's prepared by using more water to create a well-blended mixture. The infusion offers a milder cocoa flavor, suitable for those who prefer a more refreshing and gentle cocoa experience.
By adjusting the amount of water used for both options, you can alter the aroma and richness of the drink and savor the distinctive flavors from different cacao origins directly.

茶道用の茶筅を使うことで、カカオ本来の香りを閉じ込めたまましっかりと混ぜることができます。チョコレートは油分があるためお湯を入れた段階では分離していますが、茶筅で混ぜ合わせることで短時間で均等に乳化させ、電力いらずで簡単にカカオ湯を作ることができる点が魅力です。 日本伝統文化と技術を使った、新しいチョコレートドリンクの楽しみ方です。
By using a tea whisk designed for the traditional Japanese tea ceremony, you can thoroughly blend the natural aroma of cacao while keeping it intact. Chocolate tends to separate when hot water is added due to its oil content, but using a tea whisk allows for quick and efficient emulsification, making it easy to prepare cacao-infused hot chocolate without the need for electrical appliances.
This is a delightful way to enjoy a new chocolate drink that combines Japanese traditional culture and techniques. Beyond just drinking, the act of "whisking" along with it can serve as a mood changer, helping to relax your mind.
濃湯 cacao thick water

CACAOGOTO's signature item suggests the habit of brewing high-quality 100% cacao in a teacup and drinking it. It is 100% cacao that is difficult to incorporate into your daily diet in the form of a bar (it tends to have a bitter taste), but when you dissolve it in hot water and taste it, you can feel the original aroma and sweetness. It's a completely new way to enjoy cacao.
How to make
薄湯 cacao thin water

チョコレートに対して、2~2.5倍の熱湯を注ぎ、茶道用の茶筅を使い泡立てます。 濃湯に比べると軽い口当たりです。泡立てることで、円やかな口当たりと香りになります。お湯が多い分、サラッとしているので、飲みやすく、気軽に味わうことができます。
Pour 2 to 2.5 times the amount of hot water over the chocolate and whisk it using a tea whisk. Compared to the concentrated version, it has a lighter mouthfeel. The frothing process gives it a smooth texture and aroma. Because of the larger amount of water, it's more refreshing and easy to drink, allowing for a casual and enjoyable taste.