季 節 の カ カ オ ス イー ツ & チ ョ コ レ ー ト
四季折々のカカオ菓子とチョコレートを詰め合わせた、季節限定のアソートメント。 棗(なつめ)に見立てた缶の中には4種のカカオ菓子(錦玉、雲平、和三盆、糖がけ)と2種のビーントゥバーチョコレート(浅煎り、深煎りカカオ100%)が入っています。カカオ菓子には、果肉・殻・ニブ・豆などチョコレートを作る過程で生まれるカカオの素材を使用。春は桜、夏は山椒、秋は柚子、冬は白餡と季節別の食材・フレーバーを4種の和菓子技法でまとめあげた全く新しい"カカオスイーツ”です。浅煎り、深煎りのカカオ100%チョコレート2種は、季節と食材にあわせて4つの産地からカカオ豆をセレクトし、ドリンク(カカオ湯)として楽しめる形状に仕立てています。雲平と糖がけは浅煎りカカオ100%の“薄湯”で、和三盆と錦玉には深煎りカカオ100%の“濃湯”をあわせることを推奨していますが、組み合わせは自由。ぜひお好みのペアリングを見つけてください。 A seasonal limited assortment featuring a variety of cocoa confections and chocolates for each season.
Inside the canister, designed to resemble a date plum (natsume), you will find four types of cocoa confections (Kingyoku, Unpei, Wasambon, Sugar-Coated) and two types of bean-to-bar chocolates (Light and Deep roast 100%).
The cocoa confections incorporate cocoa ingredients such as pulp, husk, nibs, and beans, created during the chocolate-making process. In spring, there's sakura (cherry blossom), summer brings sansho (Japanese mountain pepper), autumn features yuzu, and winter showcases sweet white bean paste—four distinct seasonal ingredients and flavors are combined using traditional Japanese confectionery techniques to create an entirely new 'cacao sweets' experience.
The Cocoa 100% chocolates are crafted from cacao beans selected from four different origins to match the seasons and ingredients. They are designed to be enjoyed as a drink (cocoa water).
Unpei and Sugar-Coated are recommended to be paired with lightly roasted Cacao 100% chocolate 'thin tea,' while Wasambon and Kingyoku are best enjoyed with deeply roasted Cacao 100% chocolate 'thick tea.' However, mixing and matching is entirely up to you. Find your preferred pairing!
Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
Japanese Confectionery Techniques:
Kingyoku, Unpei, Wasambon, Sugar-Coated
Spring - Sakura, Summer - Maple, Autumn - Moon, Winter - Crane
Spring - Sakura, Summer - Sansho, Autumn - Yuzu, Winter - Sweet White Bean Paste
Spring - Pink, Summer - Green, Autumn - Yellow, Winter - White
Cocoa Beans:
Spring - Dominican Republic, Summer - Tanzania, Autumn - Uganda, Winter - Vanuatu